Incident Report #4: He’s a slippery little bugger this one! He was running around yelling “I AM CONSCIOUSNESS!” and one of his gold chains got caught on the shrink lever.
We’re coming clean. We’ve been cutting corners.
We’ve miniaturised our new creations with Weta Workshop’s in-house shrink ray.
In our defence, the task was impossible. Do you know how tiny our hands would have to be to sculpt these mini masterpieces?
Sure, there’ve been hiccups along the way. Enshrinkenating can be uncomfortable. But it’s a small price to pay for the marvellously minute detail. All in all, it’s come off without a hitch. Pretty much.
Until last week.
Mid-operation, a lab intern (now known as Professor Elbows) bumped the machine’s control panel, shifting the shrink target from “itty-bitty” all the way down to “teeny-weeny.” A ludicrous reduction in scale!
The obvious course of action is to pretend we did it on purpose. Be sure to delete the preceding paragraphs from all media releases and only issue the following official by-line:
From the scientific, un-clumsy geniuses at Weta Labs come MICRO EPICS. Microscopic marvels that are definitely supposed to look like that, no matter what you’ve heard!
It was a pretty standard shrink-job to start with, but the machine got bumped and they came out really…small. Kinda weird-looking, too. I guess we could pretend we did them on purpose? Make a fancy little box for them, call ‘em ‘Micro Epics’ or something?
Please note: Images are of a pre-production prototype. Final product may vary.
MICRO EPICS: Articulated figures from Weta Labs
Micro Epics creator Christian Pearce is a senior concept artist at Weta Workshop. If you need a robot, plane, or vehicle, Christian’s your guy. Though it might come with a few bells and whistles you weren’t expecting.