Amidst the coastal splendour, there nestled the Grey Havens, a harbour of tranquillity, where the River Lhûn met the wide gulf bearing its name. In this ethereal abode, the venerable Elf Lord Círdan held sway over the crafting and departure of White Ships, destined for the hallowed shores of the Undying Lands.
With the sands of time flowing onward, Gandalf, the Grey Pilgrim, led Frodo and the aged Bilbo to the gentle embrace of the Grey Havens. There, they received a gracious summons to partake in the company of the Wizard, the Lady Galadriel, Lord Elrond, and Celeborn as they embarked upon those sanctified vessels.
Expertly captured by Ben Wootten: artist, illustrator and former senior concept artist at Wētā Workshop on The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Ben was one of the original Wētā Workshop crew who produced much of The Lord of the Rings concept art that you may have seen in art books and DVD features.
There are people of extraordinary talent operating in today's world that have similar skills as the great masters of yesteryear. It just happens to be that the canvas that they paint on is the darkened screen of the cinemas of the world.
Printed on good quality 170 gsm A2 satin paper, Grey Havens is shipped rolled up in a sturdy poster tube.