Among the five Istari™ who were sent to Middle-earth™, there was Radagast, a Wizard whose heart was given not to the affairs of Men, Elves, or Dwarves, but to the untamed wilds and the creatures that dwelled therein. A guardian of the natural world, Radagast wandered far from the paths of civilization, finding solace in the songs of birds, the whispers of trees, and the companionship of beasts.
In the depths of the pitch-black night, veiled by darkness, only the sporadic glimmers of moonlight upon grim blades betrayed their lurking presence. In dire need of refuge, Frodo, with haste, surrendered his destiny to the One Ring. But solace did not greet him. Rather, he beheld a pale and spectral sight: echoes of ages past, haunting and ethereal. Amidst the Unseen Lands, only the sickening radiance of the wraiths endured.
The eternal elf stayed behind, choosing instead to live the life of a mortal with her chosen love. After ages of trials, and the immeasurable weight of sorrow, Arwen, the illustrious elven maiden of Rivendell, now stands at the side of her beloved Aragorn as he reclaims the throne that has long been in abeyance.
The King has returned, and the land resounds with the echoes of his arrival. After long ages of strife, upheaval, and the heavy shadow of sorrow, Aragorn, the worthy heir of Isildur, now stands to reclaim the mantle that has long laid dormant.