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As huge fans of Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal (1982), Wētā Workshop is excited to dive into the world of Thra and create premium collectibles for this iconic film. The Skeksis have remained separated from their other halves, the urRu, for too long; only by repairing the Crystal of Truth can balance be restored to the world of Thra. It falls to the Gelflings Jen and Kira, the last of their kind, to fulfil the ancient prophecy.

OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE. TM & © The Jim Henson Company.  JIM HENSON’S mark & logo, THE DARK CRYSTAL mark & logo, characters and elements are trademarks of The Jim Henson Company.  All Rights Reserved.


1:6 scale statue
(W x H x L) 13 cm x 25 cm x 14 cm
Weight: 1.863 lbs (0.845 kg)
Principal Sculptor:
Jane Wenley Jane Wenley

Jane Wenley

See more from Jane

Found and raised by Podlings after her mother hid her from the Garthim, Kira believes herself to be the last of her kind.

War and terror have ravaged the lands of Thra. Where once many Gelfling thrived; grim ruins, long reclaimed by vines and weeds, stand quiet and deathly still. The Gelfling are gone, wiped out by the Skeksis and their murderous warrior-slaves, the Garthim. Yet even as a voiceless wind blows leaves through lifeless stone streets and empty halls, a secret hope is nurtured… 

A child of the forest, Kira spends her days exploring with her pet Fizzgig, listening to the songs of the woodland, and learning about its denizens. Having the gift of communion with her wild animal friends, Kira can divine meaning in the intricacies of their calls and reproduce them to speak with even the humblest of creatures. On silvery wings she flits through the forest and with bare feet she treads quietly its secret paths, alert to the sounds and moods of her surroundings. Yet on this day, as the Three Suns edge closer together in the sky, Kira’s exploring brings her face to face with a being she has never seen before, and yet, more familiar than any she has known. Could it be?  


  • 1:6 scale;
  • Portrays the last of the Gelfling, the Podling-raised heroine from The Dark Crystal (1982);
  • Clay sculpted by Jane Wenley using photographs of the original puppet as reference;
  • Translucent wings;
  • Clutching her loyal Fizzgig;
  • Base brimming with unique flora and fauna;
  • High-quality polystone.


The three different sized circular bases across our 1:6 scale Dark Crystal range represent the Three Suns in the skies of Thra; the dying sun, rose sun, and great sun. Familiar iconography from the floor of the Crystal Chamber are featured around the outside. Spy the symbols of the urSkeks, which have since been appropriated as signs of discord and Skeksis aggression.

Reflecting on our childhoods, every one of us can pinpoint moments of profound impact that affected the direction our lives would take. Seeing The Dark Crystal back in 1982 at the age of seven was one such pivotal event for me. The world that Jim Henson and his creative collaborators had crafted was so rich and enchanting that I could think about little else afterwards, and that fascination has stayed with me my whole life. It shaped the trajectory of my career. Celebrating the world of Thra and its characters in collectible form now is literally my dream come true.

Daniel Falconer - Art Director & Senior Concept Designer, Weta Workshop

Please note: images are of a pre-production prototype. Each sculpture is hand painted and minor variations will occur.


Kira the Gelfling is an Open Edition statue, meaning it is not restricted to a specific number of reproductions; however, this does not guarantee Wētā Workshop will continue to produce the statue in the future. We recommend purchasing your Open Edition statue early to avoid disappointment.


So rich and visionary was Jim Henson’s 1982 passion project that it inspired dreamers across the creative arts, including a whole generation of film effects artists now working at Wētā Workshop. Released at a time when many of our crew were young and beginning to explore their own creative energies, The Dark Crystal was an eye-opener: it was possible to bring imaginary worlds to life, and it could be a career!

Now more than 30 years later we have the great pleasure of breathing life once more into this magical world, celebrating the creativity and passion that inspired so many of us today. We hope you’ll join us in reliving the world of Thra and its inhabitants as we continue to explore Jim Henson’s 1982 The Dark Crystal.

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  1. Most beautiful Weta statue to date!
    As much as I love my statue of Deet (and I really do, both her and Kira are easily my favourite characters of the film and TV series respectively), Kira\'s statue is probably the most beautiful I\'ve seen. Everything from the flora under her feet, to her clothing and her fizzgig in her arms is perfect. It\'s mindblowing just how much detail is put into these scultures, and they\'re fantastic value.
    The only issue I\'ve found with Kira is a slight warping in her left wing socket. It\'s a perfect fit if I wished to place her wing upside down, but otherwise it\'s a careful balancing act to place the wing gently as I\'m too scared to use glue on her. Not a huge problem, as she\'ll stay protected in a glass cabinet but I thought it worth mentioning.

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  2. Simply perfect!
    Kira is just gorgeous. The sweetness in her expression is portrayed with such delicateness. Good job Weta! Please don\'t ever stop making things from this line.

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