Iron-wrought by thralls of Sauron™, the Black Gate, a thing of sharp and rigid design, spanned the narrow gap between the mountains that bound Mordor™.
By this way alone might entry to Mordor™ be gained, lest those who sought to cross the threshold travel hundreds of miles east or south. The great gate was an impenetrable barrier, opened only by the command of its gatekeeper and the might of a team of Mountain Trolls, who alone were strong enough to move the blockade.
The 20th Anniversary of The Lord of The Rings movies has a special significance to us here at the Workshop, and we are delighted to commemorate the upcoming event with iconic Middle-earth figures. Let the celebrations begin!
This collectible is an Open Edition piece, meaning it is not restricted to a specific number of reproductions. However, this does not guarantee Wētā Workshop will continue to produce the statue in the future. We recommend purchasing your Open Edition statue early to avoid disappointment. Should you miss out, please contact us at Demand will determine if this collectible is reproduced.
Please note: You may see a number on your shipping carton that says "0123/1,000" - this is just the serial number of your piece in its particular production run and does not mean it's a limited edition
It takes hundreds of hours to design, sculpt, model make, mold, and paint the prototype for each new Middle-earth piece. Whether it be a prop replica, beautiful environment, or iconic character, we treat our collectibles with the same level of care and attention to detail that we bring to our film work.