Welcome to the world of Dr. Grordbort! From the mind of Weta Workshop Senior Concept Designer and Magic Leap Game Designer Greg Broadmore comes a retro sci-fi universe of interplanetary misadventures, dextrous atomic manipulations, and rayguns…lots of rayguns.


Concealable Ray Pistol
(W x H x L) 0 cm x 0 cm x 0 cm

Augmenting security with discretion, the Victorious Mongoose has been purposely produced at just over half the size of the earlier wave weapons, while still packing the punch of its big-boned counterparts.

Snugly nestled in an unbearably dashing leather-embossed and satin-lined case, the world's first concealable ray pistol is at last upon us in complete and flawless glory.

Our much cherished pocket-size atomiser - the world's first concealable ray pistol and the fourth in Doctor Grordbrort's line of infallible aether oscillators - is now available for your fine and capable hands to clasp and fondle. With an edition size of a mere 400, this punchy little nipper is flying off the shelves like a cash-eating flying fish attacking your wallet - and those of you who have had the privilege of such a rare encounter will know what curious jollies are to be had there. You know who you are.

Designed by Greg Broadmore, the Victorious Mongoose 1902a displays nicely in its case. The display box is approximately 240mm W x 170mm D x 90mm H (9.5" x 6.5" x 3.5"). All sizes are approximate.

The Victorious Mongoose is very nice and while it may seem intended for the "mysterious sex," it is not in the least bit unmanly. Besides, miscreants will be too busy melting or running to notice and it's nice for those occasions - formal dinners or visits to dens of iniquity - when it would be so gauche to carry one of the larger weapons.

Quatermass - Weta Collector

The Universe of Dr Grordbort's

The fictional universe that (barely) contains Dr Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators is the brainchild of Weta Workshop Concept Designer Greg Broadmore. It all started as a series of drawings and acrylic paintings that Greg made. Richard Taylor and Greg conceived the idea to bring these fantastical weapons to the unsuspecting public and the first three Rayguns saw the light of day in 2007. Since then, Greg and Weta Workshop have released a cosmic cornucopia of books, artwork and rayguns both miniature and full-sized, to keep your interplanetary enemies at bay.

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  7. Strong enough for a man, but pH-balanced for a woman
    Ladies, this wee beauty is dainty enough to slip into a reticule, but powerful enough to stop a rampaging Martian hexa-rhino in its six tracks. Imagine what it will do to the grunting Neanderthals who harass you on your daily perambulations! A single discreet shot renders the asphalt next to your target molten and glowing, and instantly teaches respect for women to even the most diffident student. The cobras of the world may attack; I am never far from my Mongoose.

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  8. Is that a Mongoose in my trousers, or am I just pleased to see you?
    This is a truely classy little ray gun, small but still hefty and surprisingly heavy, it doesn't look too wimpy even when placed next to the F.M.O.M.. I haven't tested it on 4 lbs of budgerigars, as we use that abhorent French metric system here in Portugal. However, I purchased 1800 g of Norwegian Blue parrot from a local zoological boutique, and even though I nailed it to the perch, all I had left was a charred perch and a rapidly dispersing cloud of azure feathers after 4 seconds.

    It really is beautifully made and designed, certainly equal to the F.M.O.M., but a lot less fragile, spikey and dangerous to carry around one's person. It may well have been designed with the female sex in mind, as it comes with a rather knobbly aether oscilator of an utterly different kind, complete with working switch on a lead, which I suspect is best used inside a ladies boudoir (if you will excuse the euphemism!). However, I still felt like a full man with this little tool tucked tidily in my trousers! (the ray gun that is, not the knobbly thing.) I would struggle to hide it up my jacksey, however - I think Dr G must have gone to a more, "ahem", traditional public school than my good self! (again, I am talking about he gun here.)

    The carved handle is lovingly realised complete with the Polynesian artist's signature, and the aether pressure gauge is beautifully done, along with a moving trigger and safety catch (essential for in-trouser usage). If I had any complaints about the gun itself, they would be that the cast name on the left hand side seems to say "Victorous Mongoose" (missing an i), and the copper pipes seem a little too fresh and uncorroded for a weapon carried so close to moist body areas, but these really are very minor quibbles.

    The case really is one of the best things about this gun. Whereas the normal raygun cases are enormous and take up lots of mantlepiece space, this is about 1/4 of the size, but totally wonderful. While it actually seems to be made of Venusian Worm Oak (resembling resin, surprisingly heavy - could be used as a blunt instrument itself in emergencies) as opposed to actual leather coated wood, it really is beautifully crafted, and looks convincingly like leather. The lining is more of a teal colour than the brighter blue of the prototype, it has a brass display rod that goes in a Venusian Worm Oak mounting, has two stout straps to hold it open, and the artfully aged envelope containing the authenticity certificate is held in place by two leather straps, not just glued on, as it appears on the prototype. The hinges and clasp are made of bronzed metal, and the gun looks superb when dispayed in its box.

    It may seem expensive compared to the larger rayguns, but it really is worth the price in comparison, partly due to the case. Very highly recommended.

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  9. Everyone chant....

    : )

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  10. Screensaver ready!
    Hey everyone, I've completed my Victorious Mongoose screensaver that matches the others I built and posted it in my profile SHOWCASE for all to grab! Just click on me and go check it out!

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  11. MINI Mongoose?!!!!
    First - The full size: This is one sweet aether weapon for sure. MAN does it feel good in the hand...and it looks so... contrapulatronically cool! And that little thing-a-ma-jig included has that cool ON-OFF switch at the end of the cord attached to it. How weirdly interesting!

    Second - Think there will be a mini for this one? I vote a resounding YES-SIR-REE on that one. Put me down for three or four.
    Hope, Hope, Hope.

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  12. Right Posh!
    The VM is very nice and while it may seem intended for the "mysterious sex" it is not in the least bit unmanly - there's only a tiny little bit of Victorian flowery decoration. Besides, miscreants will be too busy melting or running to notice and it's nice for those occasions - formal dinners or visits to dens of iniquity - when it would be so gauche to carry one of the larger weapons.

    This was the only gun I was going to buy but it was delayed (hmmm...) and gave me too much time to think and bought all the others.

    What attracted me to the Dr. G guns, aside from their whimsy and beauty of design, was the presentation and the fact they were cast in metal (rather than resin) and were NOT based on any existing movie - they stood by themselves as works of sf art. And this one is solid, you could wear to a con without worrying about breakage of little antenna bits.

    Artist recommended!!!!

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  13. It's a Beauty!!
    I own #14!!! I am very impressed by the weight of this piece. It is a work of art. A truly imaginative design. The case is beautiful. I am still trying to figure out how the "thing on a string" works. :) Very cool fun!! A++

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  14. A victory for Dr. Grordbort!
    I have been collecting science fiction weaponry - both replicas and screen-used props - for nearly 15 years. I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful the Dr. Grordbort's collection is. Unlike most of the items that I have weaned out of my collection over the years, the RayGun's are not toys. They are works of art.

    I could go on forever about the beauty in both form and presentation of the Victorious Mongoose 1902A. Instead I will mention only my favorite aspect, which to my mind epitomizes the beauty of this collection.

    The case which houses the V.M. is a masterpiece. Unlike other Sci-Fiction replicas out there which come in plastic or cardboard cases, Dr. Grordbort's contraption's of massive destruction arrive in high quality containers of velvet lined pressed metal; or as in the case of the V.M., velvet- lined wood jacketed by embossed leather. The case itself is a thing of beauty that must be seen to be appreciated.
    I could sing the praises of this piece forever, but instead I will just sing: "Thank You Dr. Grordbort!"

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