Not all is lost, for with Mordor’s skies clear of enemies and the baleful gaze of Sauron dispelled, salvation comes upon the wings of the Great Eagles and the faithfulness of a friend long thought dead.
Riding upon the broad feathered back of the Windlord, Gwaihir, Gandalf the White swoops unlooked for from the heavens riven by flame and smoke to save Middle-earth’s saviours, bonds of fellowship unbroken even by fire and death.
Created in collaboration with our Masters Collection - Salvation At Mount Doom, Jerry Vanderstelt unveiled this masterpiece side by side our team’s big reveal at San Diego Comic-Con 2023.
There are people of extraordinary talent operating in today's world that have similar skills as the great masters of yesteryear. It just happens to be that the canvas that they paint on is the darkened screen of the cinemas of the world.
This art print of Salvation at Mount Doom joins a range of gorgeous art prints and lithographs by Jerry Vanderstelt. Printed using the finest materials available, utilizing archival inks as well as Breathing Colour's exclusive "Elegance Velvet" Fine Art paper.
Salvation at Mount Doom - Here at the end of all things comes in a Limited Edition of 2,000.